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47th Annual AASL Conference  |   New Orleans, LO   |   March 20 – 22, 2025


The 47th Annual AASL Conference will be held in conjunction with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and take place March 20-22, 2025, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

This year AASL borrows its theme from ACSA: REPAIR

Situated in the city of New Orleans, 20 years after Hurricane Katrina, this conference asks us to reflect on repair in practice, repair in teaching, and the ethics of repair in engagement. As opposed to the consumptive practice of throwing away and building anew, repair is grounded in an ethical appreciation for the value inherent in what exists. Repair, as an approach, requires an understanding of the root causes of breakage and careful consideration of anticipated conditions and future use, to enable us to move forward.

How do we meaningfully address the past and present harms of the practice, culture, and pedagogy? How does our discipline shift to address a “broken world” shaped by social inequities, polarization, misinformation, ecological degradation, climate change, and conditions of acute devastation due to wars and natural disasters?

The AASL Conference Program Committee asks for proposals that reflect on this theme through these topics:
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Collections and Collection Development
      • Community and Engagement
      • Digital Scholarship
      • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
      • GIS and Mapping
      • Health and Wellbeing
      • Leadership, Management and Mentorship
      • Space and Disaster Planning for Libraries and Archives
      • Teaching and Learning
      • Gulf Coast Art, Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Planning


Lightning Talk / Digital Poster
5 minute presentation limited to a maximum of 15 images/slides at 20 seconds each.

Conference Presentation
15 minute presentation, with 5 additional minutes for audience questions.

Discussion Panel
45 minute discussion/debate between a group of four or fewer presenters on a single issue/topic, with 15 additional minutes reserved specifically for audience participation.

Group Workshop
1 hour participatory session where the audience gets to explore a new tool or process.

The AASL Conference will be a face-to-face conference and presenters will be required to present in-person.


The call for proposals closed MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.

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