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Standing Committees

Awards Committee

The  Awards Committee annually selects recipients of the AASL Awards.

Gabriella Karl-Johnson, Co-Chair

Jesse Vestermark, Co-Chair

Lynn Kawaratani

Executive Board Liaison: James Sobczak, Treasurer

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is charged with welcoming new members, enticing current and lapsed members to renew, and finding new ways to recruit members.

Catherine W. Essinger, Co-Chair

Jennifer Parker, Co-Chair

Marty Miller
Vanessa Viola
Executive Board Liaison: Paula Farrar, President

Publicity & Publications Committee

Cindy Frank, Chair
Cathryn Copper
Barbara Opar
Executive Board Liaison: Paula Farrar, President


Nominating Committee 

Responsible for nominating candidates for elected offices, as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws. Active when convened by the President.

Sara Mautino (Chair)
Lynn Kawaratani

Executive Board Liaison: Paula Farrar, President

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee has been formed by merging the Career Guidance Task Force and the Mentoring Program Development Task Force. It is working toward the development and implementation of a mentoring program and provides information related to professional development: best practices, professional standards, educational and job opportunities. It investigates possibilities such as conducting a workshop for new librarians at the next AASL annual meeting as well as of mentoring activities, that can be maintained throughout the year. It seeks collaboration with other committees regarding educational activities and maintains a guide that provides access to a variety of relevant information.

Maya Gervits, Chair

Janine Henri

Barbara Opar

Rose Orcutt

Sara Schumacher

Executive Board Liaison: Ann Whiteside, Past-President

Conference Planning Task Force

Responsible for assisting the Vice-President in planning the AASL annual meeting. Active when convened by the Vice-President.

Alisha Rall
Aubree Tillett
Barbara Opar
Catherine Essinger
Jeff Alger
Jenna Rinalducci
Lynn Kawaratani
Marty Miller
Michelle Amirkhanian
Paula Farrar
Rose Orcutt
Sara Mautino

Executive Board Liaison: Sara Schumacher, Vice-President/President-Elect

Sponsorship Committee

The AASL Sponsorship Committee’s responsibilities include: raising funds in support of the annual conference, maintaining and/or establishing relationships with vendors, and organizing vendor-related events at the annual conference.

Rose Orcutt, Chair

Martha Walker

Barbara Opar

Executive Board Liaison: Sara Schumacher, Vice-President/President-Elect

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