The professional biographical summary you originally submitted is in the Google doc linked below. Your moderator will be using the first few sentences your web bio to introduce you, so make sure it's what you want to foreground. Considering this, please have it edited to your satisfaction by March 4.
Please work to ensure your presentation falls in the 12-15 minute range. Fifteen minutes itself is fine, but we will have moderators monitoring for that time limit as we want to be fair and respectful to adjacent presenters and not encroach on their equally-deserved amount of time.
While all presenters will be available live for the Q&A at the end of their clustered session, pre-recording the body can help sidestep both public-speaking jitters AND fears about wifi reliability. However--it bumps up the due-date, as we're asking for them a week in advance of the conference, by Wednesday, March 9. There are two steps if you choose this option:
The idea is that then we can curate and cue-up videos to ensure their playability and formatting within our hosted Zoom account is as consistent as possible, and this also relieves the presenters of worrying about this last minute.
Please take a moment to consider your set-up. If you will be speaking from a potentially echoey room (bare decor, no carpet), try to use a headset or earbud microphone to best capture your voice near its source and mitigate echo. Please also make sure you present or pre-record with your camera on a stable surface (no laps).
Recording on Zoom is totally acceptable, but your method is ultimately up to you. We ask that you make your video accessible via captioning, and here's how to do that in Zoom:
AASL Virtual Conference presentations should be factually accurate to the best of the presenter’s knowledge at the time of presentation and should not contain obscene, libelous, or defamatory content. It is the presenter’s responsibility to ensure that any use of copyrighted material is consistent with U.S. law. AASL has no participation in developing, creating, or organizing individual presentations and disclaims any responsibility for their contents, or for procuring third-party permissions necessary to offer them to this audience.
By attending the AASL Virtual Conference, all participants and presenters consent to be recorded, both visually (if applicable) and sonically (if applicable). Select recordings may appear on the AASL website. All participation, including text chat, may be included in session recordings and archived on the conference website.
Please take a moment to consider your set-up. If you will be speaking from a potentially echoey room (bare decor, no carpet), try to use a headset or earbud microphone to best capture your voice near its source and mitigate echo. Please also make sure you present or pre-record with your camera on a stable surface (no laps).