REGISTRATION (2:00 - 3:00 PM) - Sheraton Lobby
TOUR (3:00 - 4:45 PM) - Provided by Vancouver Detours, a walking tour leaving from the hotel, starting at Robson Square (Arthur Erickson) and ending at the Woodward's Building (Henriquez Partners Architects) in historic Gastown.
REGISTRATION (8:00 - 9:00 AM) - Sheraton Lobby
OPENING REMARKS (9:00 - 9:10 AM) - Ann Whiteside, AASL President
PRESENTATIONS (9:10 - 10:30 AM)
Moderator: Jenna Rinalducci, University of North Carolina, CharlotteInstructor/Librarian Collaborations: Disrupting Canons, Diversifying Readings, and Demystifying Research
Kristin Barry, Ball State University
Amy Trendler, Ball State UniversityWorking together, instructors and librarians can broaden students’ exposure to architectural literature and expand their engagement with research. Professor Kristin Barry and architecture librarian Amy Trendler used this approach to diversify readings for an architectural history course and structure classroom time to support students working on associated projects. Collaborating on the reading list for the course, architecture librarian Trendler used her research skills to support Dr. Barry’s efforts to feature writings and interviews by diverse architects, in a disruption of traditional history/theory assigned readings. These lesser-known authors served as catalysts, expanding historical precedents beyond the predominantly white, male canon. Using the flipped classroom model, Dr. Barry designated several class periods as “work days” when students could meet with the librarian, teaching assistant, or herself. Students used these sessions to discuss their projects and their research, and to refine their topics or get help finding more resources. Embedded in the course module system, the architecture librarian could access the most up to date syllabus, follow along with the class’s progress, and send students reminders about scheduling appointments for research consultations. Embedding the librarian and research practices into the course work days demystified the library and made students more comfortable approaching resources.
Kristin Barry is an Associate Professor of Architecture at Ball State University, specializing in architecture history, heritage, and design, with emphasis in history/heritage interpretive design and beginning design education. She is currently the director of undergraduate programs for the Department of Architecture and sits on a number of executive committees, including those for NCBDS and DCA. With scholarship primarily focusing on the design and interpretation of archaeological and historic sites for the international public, she also addresses the role of architecture in heritage management and planning, and the developmental skill sets of general architectural education. Kristin enjoys working with students to dispel preconceptions about architecture and encourage creative thinking in various practices.
Amy Trendler is the Architecture Librarian at Ball State University, where she supports student and faculty research in the College of Architecture and Planning. Amy holds master’s degrees in art history and library and information science from the University of Illinois.
Zines: The New Generation of Radical Architecture Little Magazines
Lynn Kawaratani, Carnegie Mellon UniversityZines are emerging as a critical part of the teaching and learning about architecture where the creation of zines play a pivotal role in the exploration and expression of new ideas. They have the potential to represent the next generation of little magazines which were first introduced by the avant garde in the early twentieth century and then experienced a rebirth and transformation in the 1960/1970s. Coinciding with the political and social unrest of that era, little magazines were a place to collectively experiment with radical architecture and provide a forum for critical discussion within the profession. Young architects felt empowered to challenge the establishment, envision a utopian future and believe they would change the world. In 2023, we find ourselves at a similar crossroads. The existential threats to society and the planet require a new kind of revolutionary thinking from a new generation of disrupters. Zines, like little magazines, are an ideal vehicle to freely develop innovative plans to be shared with the broader community. At Carnegie Mellon, the University Libraries in partnership with the architecture faculty are integrating the making zines into studios, student organizations and even a mobile zine cart which can be loaned out.
Lynn serves as the liaison librarian for architecture and the archivist for the Architecture Archives at Carnegie Mellon University. She is interested in data visualization and community engagement particularly through the development of exhibitions and collecting oral histories. Before joining the library profession, she spent 15 years as an exhibit designer at a wide variety of museums including the Smithsonian Institution.
Defining Design Research: Environmental Scan of Architecture Librarians Engaging with Design Research
Tess Colwell, Yale UniversityDesign research is a term used in both library and architecture literature, but a single definition for this work is challenging to identify, particularly when investigating how design research differs from other student populations and how libraries can support students pursuing work in this area. During the fall 2021 semester, the architecture librarian and architecture records archivist at Yale University Library pursued a research study to explore the unique information seeking behavior of Master of Architecture II students, also known as “post-pros.” Throughout the study, “design research” was a recurring theme in both the survey results and focus group. This prompted the question: how can library practitioners best support students pursuing design research within an architecture context? To answer this question, the authors pursued a second line of research, this time looking at their peers and colleagues in art and architecture libraries. The authors conducted an environmental scan of peer art and architecture library practitioners engaging with design research to understand how library and archives professionals are creating instructional and research support for architecture and design studio student populations. This presentation will explore the history of design research, the overlap between library services and design research, and the results from the environmental scan.
Tess Colwell is the Arts Librarian for Research Services at Yale University’s Robert B. Haas Arts Library where she serves as liaison to the School of Art and School of Architecture.
Writing Support for the Design Disciplines
Nicole Santiago, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Catherine Copper, University of TorontoThis panel presents the challenges and success across different models of writing support for the design disciplines and highlights the impact of collaborative instruction between libraries and writing centers or units. In one model, writing support for a design school is fully integrated into the library ecosystem. Services are delivered by a team of two library staff and a rotating roster of 12 peer tutors delivering one on one consultation, embedded instruction, tailored faculty support, and open workshops within the library and across the design school campus without a dedicated physical space. In another model, the library and writing centre are partners, though organizationally separate entities. While they occupy different spaces and hold unique identities, they blur the line between research and writing support. Co-created tutorials bridge the instructional gap between accessing resources and delivering information. Both models give a voice to the sometimes-forgotten literacies like reading critically, taking notes, and engaging sources to demonstrate process and thinking.
Nicole Santiago is the Research, Teaching, and Writing Services Librarian at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Previously to the GSD, she held various positions that allowed her to investigate the relationship between research and writing while working closely with students, including reading and composition instructor positions in Rhetoric and History of Art at the University of California Berkeley. Her career has been distinguished by long standing engagement with and service to various professional organizations, including the American Library Association, the Association of Architecture School Librarians, the Association of Research Libraries, and most recently the Art Libraries Society of North America, for whom she currently serves as Secretary. Her research interests include graphic novels and environmental design, architecture and film, and California modernism.
Cathryn Copper is the Head of the Eberhard Zeidler Library at the University of Toronto. She has produced and collaborated on projects that range from experimentation in libraries to the role of libraries in supporting women in architecture. She has spoken on the topic of experimentation at several national conferences including the Association of College & Research Libraries and South by Southwest EDU. Her talk on the use of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in libraries at South by Southwest EDU was featured as one of the “biggest and most pressing ideas.” She is the author of The Experimental Library: A Guide to Taking Risks, Failing Forward, and Creating Change, a book inspired by technology companies and startups, on how libraries can thrive through experimentation.
BREAK (10:30 - 10:45 AM)LIGHTNING TALKS (10:45 - 11:45 AM)
Moderator: Sara Mautino, Oklahoma State UniversityChanging Times, Changing Questions: Adapting on the Run
Rebecca Price, University of Michigan LibraryAs architecture librarians we have trained ourselves to find all manner of information about the built environment. We pride ourselves on finding obscure images and little-known references to buildings old and new. Themes of climate change, resource scarcity, decolonization, and social justice demand that we retool and draft new approaches to finding information. Complex and multi-disciplinary questions necessitate an information-gathering approach that carefully seeks out appropriate search terms and judiciously crafts search strategies combining fields and concepts. In the past couple of years, I have been revising my approach to library instruction to help students develop what I call ‘smart searching’ or ‘targeted searching’ skills. While this redirection of my instruction is hardly earth-shattering, it has required a fundamental shift in how I develop search vocabularies and construct search tactics; an effort partly enabled by recent developments in databases, such as robust subject indexing and rich keyword lists. In this presentation, I will discuss these new approaches to addressing the changing research needs of our design communities.
Rebecca is the Architecture, Urban Planning & Visual Resources librarian at the University of Michigan, a position she has held since 1998. She is especially interested in library instruction, student engagement, and collection development, particularly of special, unique collections. She has been involved in AASL and ARLIS/NA for many years.
Library as a Community Hub
Maya Gervits, New Jersey Institute of TechnologyAcademic libraries are becoming recognized as the community hubs and focal points of student experiences. Utilizing technology for innovative and inventive collaborations not only creates fresh working models but fosters a more inclusive environment. Adopting a collaborative approach unites librarians and their community, resulting in increased resource utilization, enhanced engagement, and greater ownership empowerment. The proposed presentation will address several projects implemented at the Littman Library at the Hillier College of Architecture and Design (HCAD) at the NewJjersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), which serve to heighten library visibility and foster a sense of community. These ventures include exhibitions, alumni gatherings, Author Book presentations, musical performances, and Trivia Nights. It will also showcase a mobile application for the Digital Archive of Newark Architecture that utilizes augmented reality. This project, created at the library as a part of the HCAD Newark Design Collaborative initiative in tandem with NJIT faculty and students, sparked community engagement and recently received the Innovation Technology Award from the New Jersey Library Association.
Maya Gervits has been the Director of the Littman Library at the Hillier College of Architecture and Design at the New Jersey Institute of Technology for 21 year. Prior to that, she worked as a curator at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, as the Western Art Bibliographer and a lecturer at Princeton University, and as Art Librarian at Rutgers University. In addition to an MLS, Maya holds a Ph.D. in art and architectural history. She is interested in various aspects of librarianship and digital scholarship. Her research in both fields has been presented at multiple conferences and resulted in two books and numerous articles.
Disruption as Opportunity: How Organizational Change and Uncertainty can Lead to a Sustainable Architectural Archives Program
Kathy Winsor Bohlman, Yale UniversityIn this lightning talk, I will present the challenges we have faced during a time of reorganization and uncertainty. In the last year, the Architecture Archivist position at Yale was shifted from a unit with a large support staff and space to the Arts Library with much smaller amounts of both.
I plan to present how we are using this time of change to create a roadmap towards a sustainable architectural archives program that continues to support instruction, reference, and outreach. That acquires new materials in architecture and urban planning, prioritizing the perspectives of historically underrepresented groups and communities at a scale appropriate to our staff and space. At the same time, we are thinking critically about the important role of archival appraisal in a time of climate crisis.
Kathy was appointed to the position of Architecture Records Archivist at Yale University in October of 2022 following 3 years as Archivist for Arts Library Special Collections. Her previous work includes managing the archives of Moshe Safdie and Safdie Architects. Kathy has an MA in Art History from the University of Memphis and a Master of Archival Studies (MAS) from the University of British Columbia.
Finding Adaptive Reuse Literature in the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Ellen Petraits, Rhode Island School of DesignWhen doing exploratory research for examples or precedents of adaptive reuse, projects may not be described by the term "adaptive reuse". This digital poster will demonstrate several search techniques to improve results by incorporating specific key phrases and searches by building typology. These search strategies are particularly effective in the Avery Index but can be applied to other databases and online catalogs.
Ellen Petraits is a practicing artist with an MFA in Painting & Drawing and an MLS in Academic Librarianship.
LUNCH (11:45 AM - 2:00 PM)On your own (Vancouver Guide - Restaurants - Around the Hotel)
First Time (in person) Attendee Event: Lunch @ Granville Market (hosted by the Professional Development Committee)
PRESENTATIONS (2:00 - 3:00 PM)
Moderator: Stefanie Hilles, Miami UniversityDisruption in Design: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration Within the Design Thinking Process
Alisha D. Rall, Kansas State UniversityTo understand the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the design community, this presentation will review the emerging scholarly literature on AI integration within the design thinking process. Debates about creativity tend to position humans and computers on opposite ends of a highly contentious battleground. However, by contextualizing the issue within the design thinking framework, it is easier to understand how AI-functionality could work alongside human ingenuity. Recognizing the distinct capabilities of humans and computers that align with various facets of the design process, the potential for collaborative intelligence to revolutionize creative problem-solving becomes evident. Emerging research reveals how AI-applications are being utilized across each stage of the design thinking process: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. In numerous diverse industries, scholars are starting to discern patterns in the allocation of tasks between human and AI entities that suggest potential impacts on the design thinking model. While in the early stages, some researchers are formulating hypotheses regarding the potential transformative influence of AI on the design process.
Alisha D. Rall is an assistant professor at Kansas State Libraries, an academic services librarian and manager of the Paul Weigel Library of APDesign. Serving as the liaison to the college of Architecture, Planning & Design and the GE Johnson Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science.
Living and Working with Robots: Exploring Ethical Deployments of AI in the Library.
Katie Pierce Meyer, University of Texas at AustinAs a member of the Good Systems research team at UT Austin looking to investigate how we can create socially beneficial human + AI partnerships, I have been exploring potential deployments of AI technologies and particularly robots within our libraries. New technologies provide opportunities to disrupt our everyday practices and whether we embrace AI for use in metadata creation or consider the potential for robots to move usefully through our spaces, these technologies are already present. What would it mean to ethically deploy a robot in the library? Is there value in asking that question? How might a robot contribute to our work? Can we imagine ways to build meaningful partnerships? What would it mean to have a robot coworker? In my talk I will certainly not have answers to these questions, but I will explore recent efforts to consider these ideas and highlight specific opportunities to engage with faculty and students across disciplines who are seeking answers.
Katie Pierce Meyer is a librarian, archivist, architectural historian, and the Head of Architectural Collections at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on the preservation of architectural artifacts as traces of socio-technical networks. She has published on technology in architectural practice, preserving born-digital architectural records, archival education, and faculty perceptions on library collections. Katie received her B.A. in Philosophy from Southwestern University, M.A. in Architectural History and M.S. and PhD in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.
Nose to Tail: Moving Beyond the Collection to Address the Entire Life of Scholarship
Catherine Essinger, University of HoustonIn order to successfully participate in today’s publishing environment, scholars must navigate a complicated and sometimes exploitative path requiring skills not taught in any graduate program or faculty orientation. While architecture school libraries provide the research collections and expert staff to support their research and writing, most architectural scholars lack knowledge in one of more of the areas needed to fully participate in a rapidly evolving academic landscape. Librarians, on the other hand, have a more diverse experience with publishing platforms, licensing and legal requirements, and interdisciplinary scholarship. Those experiences, with the possible development of new skills, can help librarians fill in the gaps when instructors are ready to disseminate their research. By expanding their focus beyond the more passive aspects of research support, architecture librarians can supply much needed solutions related to data organization and storage, research funding, publishing contracts, collaborative tools, and research visibility. This presentation will present data from a faculty survey at the University of Houston, as well as how the architecture library responded to that data in 2023.
Catherine Essinger is a past president of AASL and current co-chair of the Membership Committee. She has published in Cite, Collaborative Librarianship, Texas Library Journal, and elsewhere. She also co-authored a chapter in the Handbook of Art Librarianship. She has led the William R. Jenkins Architecture, Art, and Design Library for 19 years.
Moderator: Sara SchumacherThe Editorial Section
Sara Schumacher, Texas Tech University
Barbara Opar, Syracuse University
Emilee Mathews, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Lucy Campbell, San Diego State University
Rose Orcutt, University at BuffaloStructured around interviews with editors at a variety of architectural journals, this session will discuss perspectives on topics from format and mission to open access and DEI considerations. The presenters based the interview questions on discussions from The Journal Debate at the 2023 AASL Conference and The Journal Debate: Virtual Session Ethics of Open Access and Diversity in Architectural Journal Publishing stand-alone Zoom session. Video segments of the interviews will be interspersed throughout the presentation to highlight important topics, ideas, and questions. Interviewed editors will be invited to attend the session in person or via Zoom to answer questions during the Q&A.
Sara Schumacher is the Architecture Image Librarian at Texas Tech University, where she works to improve visual media resources and promote visual literacy through discipline specific and professional applications. Her research interests include ethical concerns surrounding using and creating visual media, disciplinary-based visual literacy instruction, and bias within visual collections.
Barbara Opar is the Librarian for Architecture and French Language and Literature at Syracuse University Libraries. Barbara is active in a number of library and arts organizations and was the 2015 recipient of the AASL Distinguished Service Award.
Lucy Campbell (MLIS, University College London, 2011) is an Academic Librarian focused on electronic resource management. Her areas of interest are technology as research, digital humanities in the design disciplines, library spaces, and emerging trends in discoverability. She is currently researching novel uses for facets in library discovery, DEI in e-journal publishing environments, and using applied business research methods in collection assessment.
Rose Orcutt is a Senior Assistant Librarian with the University at Buffalo Libraries and is the subject liaison to the University of Buffalo’s School of Architecture & Planning and Curator of the Polish Collection. She is a member of AASL, president in 2019. Rose received her MLS from the University at Buffalo, a BFA in Printmaking from Buffalo State College, and an AA in Studio Art from Cazenovia College. Her research interests focus on scholarly communication practices within the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Emilee Mathews is the head of the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Prior to arriving at Illinois, Emilee was interim head of the Fine Arts Library at Indiana University and Research Librarian for Art & Visual Studies at the University of California, Irvine. She is a graduate of the Indiana University dual degree program, with a Master’s in Library Science and a Master’s in History of Art.
ACSA OPENING KEYNOTE (6:00 - 7:00 PM)2024 Tau Sigma Delta Gold Medal - Brooks + Scarpa
Brooks + Scarpa is a collective of architects, designers and creative thinkers dedicated to enhancing the human experience. Angela Brooks, FAIA, Lawrence Scarpa, FAIA, and Jeffrey Huber, FAIA, ASLA are principals. Honored with the Smithsonian Cooper- Hewitt National Design Award, the firm is a multi-disciplinary practice that includes architecture, landscape architecture, planning, environmental design, materials research, graphic, furniture and interior design services that produces innovative, sustainable iconic buildings and urban environments.
AASL BREAKFAST (8:30 - 9:00 AM) - SHERATON, Port McNeil Room
VENDOR SHOWCASE (9:00 - 10:00 AM) - Port McNeil Room
BREAK (10:00 - 10:15 AM)
TOUR (10:15 AM - 12:00 PM) - WALK / Marine Building / SEABUS / Shipyards District (North Vancouver)
TRAVEL (1:30 - 2:30 PM) - SEABUS / TRAIN
ACSA / AASL JOINT PRESENTATIONS (2:30 - 4:00 PM) - Junior B - Level 3
Moderator: ACSAExo-Skeleton: A Micro Design-Build
Gregory Spaw & Ahmed Ammar, American University of Sharjah
Lee Su Huang University of Florida
Artificial Intelligence Literacy: Collaborating to Support Image Research in Architecture Education
Cathryn Copper & Paul Howard Harrison & Zhenxiao Yang, University of TorontoThis presentation explores a collaborative approach to integrating artificial intelligence (AI) literacy into the architecture curriculum, with a particular focus on the role of architecture libraries and librarians in supporting this technology during the concept phase of design research. It outlines a student assignment to use text-to-image AI generators to recreate architectural images. A comprehensive online guide supports the student’s investigation of AI ethics, concept creation, prompt engineering, and evaluation. Feedback from the assignment indicates increased confidence in using AI image generators and enhanced critical thinking abilities. The presentation advocates for AI’s role as a co-creator in architecture, emphasizing the importance of incorporating critical thinking in architecture courses, and underscores the value of collaboration between faculty and librarians in AI integration.Diversifying the Curriculum: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Education
Nesrine Mansour, South Dakota State University
Artificial Connections: Finding the Architect’s Role in Text-to-Image Tectonics
Nick Safley, Kent State University
ACSA SPECIAL FOCUS SESSION (4:30 - 6:00 PM) - Pavilion B - Level 3
David Fortin & Adrian Blackwell, University of Waterloo
Matthew Soules, Sara Stevens & Tijana Vujosevic, University of British Columbia
Patrick Reid Stewart, Killerwhale House of Daaxan of the Nisga’a NationArchitects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA) is a collective formed in 2021 to fight for decommodified housing in c\a\n\a\d\a. AAHA is occupying the Canada Pavilion in Venice as its Not for Sale! campaign heartquarters for the duration of the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale. Not for Sale!, an architectural activist campaign for non-alienated housing, showcases the work of ten teams that bring together activists, architects, and advocates from across the country to articulate a set of demands – each addressing a specific and pressing issue in c\a\n\a\d\a. This panel discussion will bring together the six curators of the exhibition to discuss the current state of their campaign for decommodified housing in c\a\n\a\d\a, the role of students and pedagogy as part of the campaign, and the ongoing work to find support to build prototypes of the new housing designs that were proposed as part of the exhibition.
BUS LOADING (9:00 - 9:15 AM)
BUS TO UBC (9:15 - 9:45 AM)PRESENTATION & TOUR (10:00 - 10:30 AM) - UBC Library and Music, Art & Architecture Library
GROUP WORKSHOP (10:30 AM - 11:30 PM)
Moderator: Cindy Frank, University of Maryland
Sharing Lesson Plans across Library Land
Lisa Eggebraaten, North Dakota State University
Cindy Frank, University of Maryland
Stefanie Hilles, Miami University
Gabriella Karl-Johnson, Princeton University
Sara Mautino, Oklahoma State University
Aubree Tillett, University of MinnesotaA group of art, architecture, and design librarians are working together to build a collection of lesson plans that can be shared amongst the practitioners using the free digital resource Humanities Commons. The intent is to build a repository of lesson plans that librarians have designed and used, so that other professionals can browse lesson plans completed by their peers, implement new teaching strategies, and contribute their own expertise to the canon of instruction for art, architecture and design. At this workshop, we would like to walk people through the upload process, including the submission form and appropriate tagging, and explain how to find other lesson plans. Participants are invited to bring their own lesson plans to upload to the repository, as an upload-athon. We hope this workshop will be part of our initial build-out to establish the lesson plan repository. This resource will uniquely support the aspect of instruction as part of our librarianship. The team librarians are Aubree Tillet, Cindy Frank, Gabriella Karl-Johnson, K Sarah Ostrach, Lisa Eggebraaten, Sara Mautino, Stefanie Hilles.
Lisa Eggebraaten is the Head of the Downtown Branch Libraries and Design Librarian at North Dakota State University. She manages three branch libraries focusing on design, visual arts, and business. Her liaison areas include architecture, art, apparel design, emergency management, interior design, and landscape architecture. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from DePaul University, a Masters of Library Science from the University of Maryland, and is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in art with a graduate degree in education.
Cindy Frank is Head of the Art Library and the Architecture Library at the University of Maryland. Liaison subject areas include architecture, art, art history, archaeology, historic preservation, real estate development, and urban and community planning. She shepherded the 24/7 professional model library for the architecture branch, and is currently rightsizing the collection of the Art Library. She holds a Masters degree in Architecture from the University of Maryland.
Stefanie Hilles is the Arts and Humanities Librarian at Wertz Art and Architecture Library at Miami University, where she liaisons to the art, architecture and interior design, and theatre departments, manages their collections, and instructs information literacy sessions. She holds an M.A. in Art History from Case Western Reserve University and an M.L.I.S. from Kent State. She has presented at the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), the Art Libraries Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland (ARLIS/UK & Ireland), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Library Instruction and Information Literacy Conference (LOEX), and the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), among others, and been published in Art Libraries Journal, Art Documentation, and Public Services Quarterly.
Gabriella Karl-Johnson has served as Architecture Librarian and director of the Architecture Library in the School of Architecture at Princeton University since 2015, following work in rare books cataloging, history research, choreography, and the architecture industry. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Beloit College, a Master of Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Master of Library Science from City University of New York. Her current scholarly interests include palimpsest building renovations, dance notation systems, and roadside motel histories.
Sara Mautino is an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. She has been the architecture librarian for Oklahoma State University Libraries since 2021. She manages the Cunningham Architecture Library for the OSU School of Architecture. Sara has been a librarian since 2015 when she graduated with her MSLIS from Drexel. The bulk of her librarianship experience has been in K-12 schools. Besides the day-to-day tasks required to operate a branch library and her responsibilities as a university faculty member, Sara focuses her architecture librarianship energies towards engaging students from commonly overlooked communities and building a diverse collection that reflects the students, faculty, and staff served by the Cunningham Architecture Library.
Aubree Tillett is the Humanities and Design Librarian at the University of Minnesota Libraries where she oversees the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library and liaisons for the College of Design, the department of Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures, and Philosophy. She holds a M.L.I.S from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a M.A. in Art History from the University of Arizona.
BREAK (11:30 - 11:45 PM)TOUR (11:45 - 12:30 PM) - UBC CAMPUS
LUNCH (12:30 - 2:00 PM) - on your own (UBC's Restaurants Guide)
GROUP WORKSHOP (2:00 - 3:15 PM)
Moderator: Shannon Marie Robinson, University of Southern California
Speculative Space Planning: Applying design disruption practices to imagine library futures
Shannon Marie Robinson, University of Southern California
Rebecca Price, University of MichiganArchitecture librarians are uniquely situated to creatively reflect on built environment issues that challenge all librarians. By engaging with design methodologies from disrupter movements like critical design, speculative architecture, and architecture fiction, we can uncover assumptions about what a library is and what a librarian does. This interactive session will introduce participants to these radical design practices that can be adapted for innovative problem solving and future(s) thinking about libraries. Design disrupters flourished in the mid-twentieth century and are again prominent in our post-pandemic, AI-influenced period of political, social, and climate crises. Their work acts as reactions against consumerism, capitalism, and unheeded scientific and technological development, challenging us to question the status quo through informed reflection and consideration of alternative futures. In this workshop, after discussing the history of disruption in architectural practices, participants will engage with a selection of speculative works, responding to them through the perspective of librarianship. With an emphasis on space planning, participants will use these radical methodologies to design libraries that respond to both emerging crises and unknown realities. Outcomes from this session will be shared in an ACSA news column with potential for ongoing collaborative projects and papers.
Shannon Marie Robinson is the Head of the Architecture + Fine Arts Library at the University of Southern California. With a background in the fine arts, she has more than a decade of experience as an art and design librarian. Her research interests include the information behaviors of artists and designers and the application of visual-based research and speculative design methodologies to library science. She is continually active in the art librarianship profession through conference presentations, journal publications and book reviews, and serving on various local and national committees.
Rebecca Price is the Architecture, Urban Planning & Visual Resources librarian at the University of Michigan, a position she has held since 1998. She is especially interested in library instruction, student engagement, and collection development, particularly of special, unique collections. She has been involved in AASL and ARLIS/NA for many years.
BREAK (3:15 - 3:30 PM)
TOUR (3:30 - 4:30 PM) - UBC's Xwi7xwa Library and Indian Residential School History & Dialogue CentreBREAK (4:30 - 5:00 PM)
Leadership on the Edge
Kimberly Dowdell
Mo ZellKimberly has devoted her entire professional career to laying the foundations for architects to create positive social change on a local, national and global scale. She has built bridges connecting diverse pillars of our society, from architectural firms and their clients to professional organizations, commercial developers, government agencies and academia. As a skilled relationship-builder, she fosters a more collaborative and inclusive approach to architecture, paving the way for a brighter future for all.
Mo Zell is the interim dean of the College of the Arts and Architecture at UWM, principal of the design firm, bauenstudio and President of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). She created a number of programs at UWM including the SARUP externship, SUPERjury, the UWM SARUP Mobile Design Box, and Women in Design Milwaukee.
BUS back to the SHERATON (6:30 PM)
ACSA CLOSING RECEPTION (6:00 - 7:00 PM) - Hosted by UBC's School of Architecture + Landscape Architecture