AASL 2003

Join us on the banks of the Ohio for the
25th Annual AASL Conference
Louisville, KY
March 13th - 16th, 2003


Seelbach Hilton Hotel
500 Fourth Avenue, Louisville, KY 40202-2518
Tel: 1-502-585-3200 Fax: 1-502-585-9239

Hotel is only four blocks from the riverfront. The conference rate for single or double is only $123.00 per night. Reservations can be made by calling 502-585-3200 or online at the hotel web site.

Meeting held in conjunction with the 91st ACSA Annual Meeting (ACSA meeting website)

If you have any questions or suggestions for Barbara Opar, AASL Vice-President/President-Elect, send them to her at her personal email address, which is bopar301@AOL.COM or her home phone at 315-446-8302.

AASL Web library1.njit.edu/archlib/aasl/index.cfm