AASL Business Meeting
March 17, 2001
11:30 - 12:30 p.m.

[These minutes were officially adopted at the April 13, 2002, meeting in New Orleans.]

Kevin McMahon
AASL President Presiding

Minutes, 2000

Approval of the March 2000 business meeting minutes was postponed until they are posted on the AASL Web site.

Treasurer's Report

The treasurer's report was accepted after discussion. Finances are in good shape at the time of the meeting. It was noted that we have approximately 35-40 paid-up members. Outreach is needed. J. Henri and L. Woodruff will put together an AASL flyer to bring to the upcoming ARLIS/NA meeting.


After discussion re what an AASL membership gives its members - e.g., core periodicals list, AASL-L, upcoming statistical information from architecture libraries and the AD Profiles index - those present voted to increase annual dues from $10 to $15, beginning in March 2002.

J. Henri reminded us that since AASL is an affiliate organization of ARLIS/NA, AASL members can attend ARLIS meetings at the ARLIS member registration rate.

Core Periodicals List

M. Leininger suggested that the list which is geared to an undergraduate program needs revision only periodically, e.g. every couple of years.

Committee Structure

J. Brown offered a motion that called for establishing committees to move the work of AASL forward. After discussion, it was decided that there should be four standing committees:

1. Core Periodicals List
2. Statistics
3. Publicity/Newsletter
4. Membership

J. Henri amended the motion to make it a duty of the new president to ensure that there's a chair for each committee.

The vote was unanimous to accept the amended motion.

J. Connorton as upcoming president called for volunteers to chair these committees and the following members stepped forward:

1. Core Periodicals List: M. Aurand and M. Culbertson
2. Statistics: J. Brown
3. Publicity: K. McMahon
4. Membership: J. Henri and L. Woodruff (Directory and Brochure)

H. Wilburn added that the Publicity Committee might want to reach out to ACSA members.

New Business

AASL Webmaster J. Robertson's proposal to post and share statistics from architecture library members on AASL-L was discussed. J. Mornes suggested that the Web site also post the schedule of upcoming accreditation visits to schools. The material might have to be anonymous for those schools concerned with privacy issues.

J. Henri asked if she could bring the suggestion to ARLIS/NA's upcoming meeting that the Architecture Section of ARLIS work jointly with AASL on obtaining these statistics and posting them on the AASL Web site. The vote was unanimous to do that.

H. Wilburn announced an August 16-17 meeting in Boston jointly sponsored by ARLIS and IFLA. The meeting's focus is: "How do I find an image of……? The changing nature of image research." R. Campbell, the architecture critic on the Boston Globe will be involved. There will be a reception at Ars Libri, tours, and programs at the MFA and Harvard.

The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.