1. The meeting was called to order at 4:15 by AASL President Jeneice Smith.
2. The Minutes of the Meeting, 20 March, 1995 (Seattle) were submitted by AASL Secretary
Michael Leininger and accepted without change.
3. The Annual Treasurer's Report was submitted by AASL Treasurer Kathy Brackney and
accepted without change.
4. Chairperson of the Nominating Committee Joon Mornes reported on the work of her
Committee, including Emilie White and Norma Sellman. Ann Scott of Kansas State has
accepted nomination as Vice President/President-elect for 1996/97. E-mail ballots were
distributed to members via AASL-L. Paper ballots will be mailed to members without e-mail.
Official election results will be announced shortly thereafter.
In addition, Kathy Demsky of Andrews University has expressed interest in nomination for Vice President/President-elect for 1997/98.
A. The AASL brochure, an idea introduced at previous meetings, will be pursued by a
committee to be headed by President Wayne Meyer. Volunteers for the committee include Beth
Dodd, Judy Connorton, and Michael Leininger. Adequate funds will be appropriated for a
paper brochure/new members' packet. An AASL homepage will be produced in tandem with the
B. The AASL Directory, now exclusively in electronic format, may be reproduced in hard
copy for members and outsiders without web access. Michael Leininger will proceed to
C. The Core List of Periodicals is nearly ready for publication. An introductory essay
still needs to be written. Pat Weisenburger and Michael Leininger will proceed. JAE and
SAH Journal were mentioned as possible titles for publication of the List.
A. Wayne Meyer introduced Ed Teague's letter of invitation, on behalf of ARLIS/NA, to
become an affiliate organization. Members of each organization may attend eachothers'
meetings at members' fees. Betsy Peck Learned, a member of the ARLIS Executive Board,
suggested that public policy concerns, as well as joint projects that have already been
completed, highlight the natural affiliation that already exists. The motion to accept the
invitation was carried.
B. Wayne Meyer also mentioned AAL's continuing desire to merge with AASL. AASL members
continue to feel that their academic interests are best served by the relationship with
ACSA and rejected the merger once again. (see correction below)
C. A website for architecture was discussed, both as a reduction of dependence on others'
efforts and as a possible improvement on others' work. Dan Tasman's Buffalo page was cited
as the current "exhaustive" site in our field. Whether it is considered the best
that can be accomplished and whether it will continue to be maintained after Tasman leaves
school are issues warranting consideration. It was agreed that AASL is the logical
organization to take charge in this area. The group also agreed that, whatever form this
effort takes, the most appropriate leader is Jeanne Brown. A Board of Directors was
suggested. A call for volunteers for subject-related segments was suggested. Maintenance
issues were highlighted. Consultation with Tasman regarding the future of his site and/or
his interest in our project was suggested. Due to Jeanne's inability to attend the
Business Meeting, further ideas from her are awaited.
D. Joon Mornes requests that the Nominating Committee needs more time to complete its task
and should be appointed earlier in the year.
E. Jeneice Smith suggested a future membership card.
F. Pat Weisenburger urged that any interesting members' news should be sent along to her
for the Newsletter.
G. Wayne Meyer suggested "theft and mutilation (of library materials)" as a
possible future topic.
7. The Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 by Jeneice Smith.
Correction to 6B. The AAL suggestion, more accurately stated, was to alternate meetings
with AASL, one year meeting with AIA, the following with ACSA. A "merger" of the
organizations misstates the spirit of the suggestion. (ML/19 Dec 96)
Submitted by AASL Secretary Michael Leininger, MIT