AASL 2002 New Orleans
24th Annual Meeting, April 11th - 14th
Registration Form

Hotel Inter-Continental New Orleans, 444 St. Charles, 504.525.5566
AASL members receive the ACSA discount room rate of $195.00 single/ $215.00 double. When reserving a room, mention that you are with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) to receive the discount rate.

Advanced registration deadline: March 15th.
Make checks payable to AASL.
Please print and complete this form and send it, with payment to:

Margaret Culbertson, AASL Treasurer
William R. Jenkins Architecture and Art Library
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4000
Phone: 713.743.2337 Fax: 713.743.9748
Email: mculbertson@uh.edu

Annual Dues: (Individual or Institutional) $15.00
Conference Registration Fee $80.00
Reduced Student Fee $25.00
Late Fee (postmarked after 3/15 or On Site) $10.00
Total Dollar Amount Enclosed $______




Business Address:

Business Phone:


E-Mail Address:

Library Homepage URL:

AASL Web library1.njit.edu/archlib/aasl